Makarand Utpat

Digital Marketing Duo: A Trend That’s Here To Stay Plus 7 Daily Tasks That Could Be Deadly If Forgotten

Digital Marketing is the future. It is a well-established fact that traditional marketing is no longer the way to reach your target market. And, like in any industry, the digital world is subject to fads and trends. Additionally, there are tasks that must be done in order to build attract followers, potential customers and build relevant relationships.

I’ll address both of these topics.

Fads Versus Trends

Fads come and go. Trends tend to start slowly and grow while continuing to be important and influential for years or decades.

If a trend survives beyond decades, it becomes a way of life.

One trend in digital marketing that is growing by leaps and bounds and shows no sign of going away any time soon is that of live-streaming video. It is already showing signs of becoming a way of life for digital marketers well into the future.

Brian Solis, a globally recognized futurist and digital analyst sees live-streaming video as a “natural, mandatory marketing strategy for companies who want stronger engagement with their markets.”

If you have a Facebook account or any social media account – and who doesn’t – you’ll see live-streaming video popping up in your daily news feeds. And, you can see live streaming video coming from journalists around the world, company events and Spotify has guest musicians live stream performances.

Consumer demand is what creates trends: 350,000 hours of video is live-streamed on Periscope every day. And when someone comes up with a great idea or a hugely compelling way to generate participation in a live streaming event, it’s only going to cement the life of said trend.

A case in point is a new app on the scene called HQ Trivia. According to an article in Forbes, “HQ Trivia is all the rage right now. It’s an app that is part live game show and part Trivia Crack App (remember that?).

And it’s important for marketers to understand because it dramatically changes the way users think about apps and at the same time inspires brands by reminding them that an exciting new technology – in this case live-streaming video – is useless until there’s something compelling to do with it.”

This returns me to a point I’ve talked about many times: compelling content. Remember you want catchy titles. You must announce the live-streams in advance, and you must archive them.  Like anything new, there is a learning curve for creating and launching live streaming apps. However, the learning curve isn’t steep and is well worth the effort.

7 Small Daily Tasks That If Forgotten Can Be Deadly Digital Marketing Efforts

  1. Forgetting to set up an advance schedule for posts, especially on Facebook and Twitter.This takes little effort but is important to your overall coverage. Set this daily task up through WordPress.
  2. Forgetting to add people to the business email or newsletter list. This task is so easy to overlook especially when there are multiple sources through which you get contacts.
  3. Forgetting to check the blog and Facebook every day for any comments, issues orquestions. Responding to comments is how you build relationship, and you need to respond as quickly as possible.
  4. Forgetting to promote your blog on your website and in your newsletter. If you have multiple methods of promotion like newsletters and emails promote your blog in every point of contact.
  5. Forgetting to reach out to customers you haven’t heard from in a while.Don’t let contacts fall through the cracks. Review your data base regularly. Look through comments and conversations for anyone that has not been contacted and reach out to say hello and ask how they are doing and if there is anything “we” can do for you..
  6. Forgetting to say “thank you” when a customer makes a purchase, refers someone to you or makes a nice comment on a post you published. the marketing staff’s job is not over.That customer should be personally provided a “thank you,” again, even if it is automated. The customer wants to feel valued and appreciated, and this is a key method of doing that.
  7. Forgetting to publish consistently. People expect and look for the next thing from those they follow.If nothing appears, customers can get frustrated and will leave if there is too much of a time lag.

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About Me:

Attention spans are on the decline and if you are not getting found, discovered or noticed on social media, you do not exist. I can help you maximize your online presence saving you tons of time, agony, frustrations, dollars and resources.

My done-for-you services include website design, Google SEO, social media Ads, book publishing, growing your YouTube channel and more.

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I am a digital marketing consultant and helps businesses implement effective strategies to gain traction with branding, Google and social media. You can connect with me on social media or reach out to me at 

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